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Re: htdig no longer compiles correctly on cygwin (Gerrit P. Haase) wrote:

> have you linked against libregex? In cygwin you need to link against 
> libregex if you want to use extended regexes,

Um, no.  Perhaps I made myself sound more knowledgeable than I am ;)  I will 
try that.

> I don't remember if i had used htmerge, how to test it?

The script handles using htmerge after htdig; I just captured the 
script output during the test dig of the htdig website.

> But one important thing has changed which should make it easier:

> CYGWIN=$'binmode tty ntsec case_check:strict nowinsymlinks notitle'

> We have the option now to use Cygwin case-sensitive!
> That should make the regex <-> Regex thingy much less problematic!

The case-sensitivity would be great!

> Note the first change according to the regexes. I didn't understand it
> complete that was also the reason, why i was not able to build htdig a 
> second time. How do yopu get around the thing with regex? Renamed a file?

Yes, I renamed the htdig "Regex.h" to something silly like "Regexper.h" and 
changed the references to it.

Thank you for your suggestions; I will try them.  Note that I was not just 
referring to 3.1.2B3; after my troubles with that I went back to try 3.1.5, 
which used to compile fine for me, and now gives the broken DB behavior.  
3.1.2B3 gives me a stackdump on htdig, before I even get to htmerge!

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