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Re: OpenGL, -mno-cygwin AND GLUT

>If you have the latest gcc for Cygwin, that is 2.95.2->7 (you can check with 
>gcc -v), and you compile programs using glut with -mno->cygwin, you must 
>also use -mwin32.
>BTW, your linking order is incorrect. >From /usr/doc/opengl-1.1.0/README.txt:
>         Linking of code calling OpenGL, GLU, GLUT
>         -----------------------------------------
>         Add -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 to your link >command.
>Always link with the highest-level librairies first, >the more basic ones
>Instructions for compiling glut/glu/openGL programs >with -mno-cygwin will 
>be added in the README file of the next release of the >package.

I have updated to the newest Cygwin, and have used the command line changes you specify, but the errors remain...


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