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1999-Oct-15 Snapshot is Great

From the 99-Oct-15 Changelog:
Thu Oct 14 23:46:03 1999 Christopher Faylor <>
        * (fhandler_base::read): Fix potential buffer
        overrun.  Fix end of buffer problems when \r is not followed
        by a \n.

Thanks Chris, Cygwin is looking better and better.

(Actually, I'm using the latest snapshot, not Oct 15.)

(BTW, congratulations on the new release.)

Here's a little story that relates to the above fix. Back in August,
I spent hours and hours trying to come up with a small 'more' for
Cygwin. The Cygwin port of less doesn't seem to deal with wrapped
lines properly and besides, it's just too big. I've been using a
port of BSD pmake for some time. I took that and went to work on
</NetBSD-current/src/distrib/utils/more.tar.gz>.  It builds fine with
an executable size of just 28K. But I could not figure out how to get
it to handle line endings properly.  I finially gave up on it. I just
figured it was related to Win95 and lseek.

Then, I converted an old less version 178 to more, including a
'morekey' :-), so I could use both it and the newer less with no
interference. The size of this one is 48.5K. It works great.

When I read that changelog I remembered the problems with the small
NetBSD more... so I pulled it out of mothballs and...  it too works
great! No more problems with line endings.

BTW, where did you get the more and other BSD stuff that's included
on the CD?

I've also got a small vi, 83.5K. It's a port of a tiny Elvis, version
1.4 that I got from Debian. My intent is to make this stuff available
when I get time.

Again, thanks.


  ________________________________________      _       _____
 )                                        )_ _ (__\____o /_/_ |
 )    Glenn Spell <>    )     >-----._/_/__]>
 )________________________________________)               `0  |

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