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Re: Re[2]: Making DLL's.

Paul Sokolovsky <> writes:

> Hello Gary,
> Gary V. Vaughan <> wrote:
> []
> GVV> Is there a better solution to this than trying to find out the complete
> GVV> list of libraries (and their types) against which each object will
> GVV> eventually be linked so that I can tag data exports correctly when the
> GVV> asm code is generated?
>      To add more confusion (though maybe it not really matters in
> practise), dlls can't be mutually dependent (tested on win95)

Indeed.  Dlls really are quite deficient by comparison with elf shared
libraries on unix (which is what I am trying to emulate -- more fool me!),
for example you cannot leave undefined symbols in a dll which will be
provided later when the library is linked, and you cannot override symbols
in a dll with symbols in the main source.

I am trying to ignore these problems for the moment until I can at least
make global data be well behaved.

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