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Re: Finding Out My Own IP-Address

I have a bash script to do it (it's called getIPaddress :-)

# Get the IP address of the first LAN adapter.
/winnt/system32/ipconfig | grep "IP Address" | head -1 | sed 's/^.*: //'

Example of its use:

--- start of example ---
export DISPLAY=$($HOME/bin/getIPaddress):0.0
# If network not started, address will be nul.  So correct it.
if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]
	export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
--- end of example ---

Hope this help, Luc.
Luc Tanguay, ing.
Bell Canada
Recherche et génie logiciel/Software Engineering & Research
1050 Beaver Hall, 2e étage/2nd floor
Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1S4, Canada
Tél./phone: (514) 786-6440
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