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Re: bash problem after restarting computer (cygwin 1.7.17-1)

On 1/2/2013 18:06, Sean Murphy wrote:
New James Bond movie: You Only Reboot Twice.

Other movies in the franchise:

 - Dr. Permission Denied
 - From Redmond, With Love
 - Goldedgeconnector
 - Thunderball UPS and Lightning Arrestor
 - On Corinna's Secret Mailing List
 - Backwards Compatibility Hacks Are Forever
 - Live and Let exit(3)
 - The Man With the Golden Banhammer (costarring cgf)
 - The Debugger Who Loved Me
 - /tmpraker
 - For root's Eyes Only (with agent 0400)
 - Optocoupler
 - A View to a kill(2)
 - The Living Daylights (the one about the Big Blue-Ceilinged Room)
 - License to /bin/kill (mode 4777, owner root)
 - GoldenEOG
 - init(8) Never Dies
 - make world is Not Enough (filmed on location in FreeBSDLand)
 - kill(0, 9) Another Day
 - Cisco Royalle
 - Quantum Cryptolink
 - ifdown sky2

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