Matthew Woehlke mw_triad@users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jul 30 22:50:00 GMT 2008

Dave Korn wrote:
> Uriel Apeiron wrote on 30 July 2008 20:23:
>> Hi,
>> I was poking around the Cygwin site and noticed the 'acronym' section.
>>  The section should be called 'abbreviations'.  Acronyms are a subset
>> of abbreviations that a person can say like a word, like squares are a
>> subset of rectangles.  All acronyms are abbreviations but not vice
>> versa.  CIA is an abbreviation, NASA is an acronym.

...and the first example wikipedia gives is Cee Ee Oh. I always thought 
an acronym was a series of letters that stood for something, and an 
abbreviation was e.g. "etc" (short for "et cetera"), i.e. usually a 
shortened form of a single word. Then there are "initialisms" which 
seems more accurate, but do the hippos really care either way?

(Sheesh, that last sentence makes me feel like I am writing one of the 
spam messages that looks like a lorem ipsum generator. And wtf is the 
point of those, anyway? I mean, they don't advertise anything or try to 
get me to do anything. Are they from hippos trying to write poetry, that 
feel the need to do the digital equivalent of walking down a hall, which 
is to say clog the network with mail floods whose digital girth 
resembles that of the physical (hippo) author? Will the number of 
occurrences of the word "hippo" in this message set off the spam 
detector? Do hippos even like spam or are the vegetarian? Is 
vegetarianism even relevant to whether or not someone likes spam?)

>   Embi, but yowtwit!

I think you meant YOWTWYTT? (s/wrote/typed/)

ESNR: signal to noise ratio too low (try a mailer without disclaimers)

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