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RE: CASE error in script file

On 09 November 2006 03:00, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 07:47:29PM -0700, Jim Easton wrote:
>> Is there a bash variable that controls such behaviour (I can't find one)
>> or was there an upgrade in the interim?
>> If so I can't honestly say that it's an improvement.
> *** cgf dives into a vat of beer and doesn't surface for five minutes.
> cgf

<yorkshire accent>  Ahh, it reminds me of t'day Ooncle Albert fell in't
whiskey vat.  He fought off five men trying t'pull 'im 'aht.  I was at
t'funeral, loovely service t'vicar gave.  When t'was done, we 'ad 'im
cremated.... took fortnight for't flames t'go aaht.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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