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Re: /dev/hda overwritten on local cygwin mirror

Robb, Sam schrieb:
Truth to tell, I was annoyed by cgf, Igor, and Dave's responses and that was great since, for the first time, I experienced the meanness of this list, which is nice and entertaining.

I'm honestly shocked. Apparently I'm still not mean enough if you didn't even notice me whne it comes to meannes. I guess I shall change that. I don't want to stand back.


"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering
leads to meanness.  Meanness leads to snarky posts on
the Cygwin mailing lists.  Oh, and don't play with that,
it's not a toy - you'll poke somebody's eye out!  Hmpfh."

Isn't that partially from "Donnie Darko"?

Reini Urban

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