cygwin-developers archive password protected

Christopher Faylor
Wed Mar 26 22:44:00 GMT 2003

On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 10:30:28PM -0000, Max Bowsher wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>I read cyg-dev via the archives for about a year, before being invited to
>join. It was a very useful and interesting source of information.

Right.  And, IIRC, you asked for some kind of read-only access to the list.
I can only imagine how that would have worked if I allowed that.  We'd
be getting all sorts of private email or email cc'ed to cygwin at cygwin.

>Already, we have some postings on cygwin@ from the understandably miffed,
>and even a workaround for access by ftp.

If someone wants to read the developers list then they just have to follow
the rules and join this list.  It's not a huge hardship.

>Obviously, Chris being swamped in personal mail

I am by no stretch of the imagination being swamped.  I just don't want
to be randomly bothered by what should be a private discussion.

My last go around was from someone who was miffed because I didn't take
kindly to him sending me personal email questions.  His response was
that since I'd made statements in a public forum, I should expect people
to send me email.  Ok.  So, while this has never been a public forum, I
can at least easily limit that source of confusion.

We didn't set up cygwin-developers as a service to the community.  We set it
up as a mechanism for discussing changes with people who are a few hundred
steps above the standard cygwin at cygwin list.  The fact that some people
liked to eavesdrop via the web is really not a huge selling point for me.

Since people like to point to linux and say "Do things that way", I should
point out that there is a private list for kernel developers that is not
available to the public.  That is what I want cygwin-developers to be.

I'm not interested in opening up another cygwin list where people can
send "I can't resize setup.exe under cyg!" complaints.  They can use the
cygwin list for that.  I have zero confidence that any other list that I
set up would not be abused so I'm not (with maybe one exception) going
to be setting up any new cygwin lists anytime soon.

The one possible exception might be that I think maybe cygwin's setup
needs a list of its own.  I'd be willing to do that.


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