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Just exported Massive number of newlib functions in cygwin.din

I know I will regret this, but I'm weary of the "cygwin is broken because
it defines a function Q in header X.h but I still get 'undefined symbol:
Q'" reports.

So, I just took a pass through newlib and exported almost every function
(see below) I could find that seemed to have analogues in linux-land.
Checking linux was a lot easier than checking SUSv3, for obvious

I didn't export the argz functions and the envz functions since I wasn't
familiar with them and don't recall anyone ever asking for them.

This grew cygwin1.dll by ~60 - 70K, AFAICT.  Probably a small price to

My biggest concern is that I doubt that all of the multi-byte functions
are that robust and could cause problems for non-US people.  I guess time
will tell.

I'm building a snapshot now.


_strtold      iswctype      mbsrtowcs     tsearch       wcsrchr
a64l          iswdigit      mempcpy       twalk         wcsrtombs
hcreate       iswgraph      on_exit       wcrtomb       wcsspn
hcreate_r     iswlower      setbuffer     wcscat        wcsstr
hdestroy      iswprint      setlinebuf    wcschr        wctob
hdestroy_r    iswpunct      strndup       wcscpy        wctob
hsearch       iswspace      strnlen       wcscspn       wctrans
hsearch_r     iswupper      tdelete       wcslcat       wctype
isblank       iswxdigit     tdestroy      wcslcpy       wmemchr
iswalnum      l64a          tfind         wcsncat       wmemcmp
iswalpha      mbrlen        towctrans     wcsncmp       wmemcpy
iswblank      mbrtowc       towlower      wcsncpy       wmemmove
iswcntrl      mbsinit       towupper      wcspbrk       wmemset

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