quandary with pthreads

Robert Collins rbcollins@cygwin.com
Wed Dec 11 00:39:00 GMT 2002

I *really* want to get Thomas's contribution properly reviewed in time
for 1.3.18.

Unfortunately my cygwin development machine's hard drive is failing, and
it will be off the air for ~ 1 week. 

So, I'd like to suggest the following:

If you can write test cases for all the new capabilities you introduce -
see the ones I added based on your previous work, and the README in the
test-suite dir.
Then I will be happy to have your changes committed if the test suite
shows no pthreads regressions on a win9x machine, and on an NT kernel
based machine.

Best I can offer right now, sorry.

GPG key available at: http://users.bigpond.net.au/robertc/keys.txt.
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