Global write privs for Robert Collins

Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)
Wed Apr 24 14:07:00 GMT 2002

At 05:02 PM 4/24/2002, you wrote:
>I'm pleased to announce that, after consultation with Corinna, we've
>decided to extend the offer of global write privileges in the cygwin
>tree to Robert Collins.
>What does this mean?  Well, it's an amazingly exciting promotion.
>Basically it means that he doesn't have to ask for permission to check
>things in.
>However, it also means that Robert will probably often receive "Are you
>sure?" email from Corinna or (most likely) me when things are checked
>in.  So, basically the potential for discussion is at the back end rather
>than the front end.
>This comes at a good time since my available time for working in cygwin
>is continually diminishing as my job responsibilities increase.

Congrats Rob! :-)


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