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Re: Many pthread failures in the test suite, one setgroup failure

On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 04:56, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> I couldn't quite catch what was setting the EINVAL, for some reason,
> though.  I rebuilt the DLL with debugging and set some breakpoints on
> likely "return EINVAL"s but they didn't get hit in this context.
> I did see an occasional EINVAL, though, and it seemed to be happening at
> __pthread_cond_dowait here:
>   if (!pthread_mutex::isGoodObject (themutex))
>     return EINVAL;
> I couldn't tell if this was the result of a debugging artifact or if
> it was an actual problem but in this context themutex == cond, which
> certainly seems wrong.

I can't see how that would happen from the source, unless cond==mutex at
program entry, which should -never- happend.
> This is unfortunately just speculation so far since I haven't been
> able to catch what's going on.  It does seem to be timing related
> since stopping and single stepping often seems to cause the program
> to "just work".
> Anyway, that's my current brain dump.

Thanks for that, I'm still stuck doing only a code review :[
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