hierarchy in setup (category stuff)

Michael A. Chase mchase@ix.netcom.com
Sun Jun 24 05:38:00 GMT 2001

I'd like to suggest a minor format change in part of your patch:

      log (LOG_BABBLE, "[%s] action=%s trust=%s installed=%s excluded=%s"
    " src?=%s category=%s",
      pkg->name, action, trust, installed, excluded,
     pkg->srcpicked ? "yes" : "no", pkg->category);

This adds a space before "category" and makes the first line less than 80
characters long.

I've been compiling and running setup.exe with both our patches applied.  I
had to hand apply 4 hunks in choose.cc, but they were fairly simple.
Applying my patch after yours is more complicated, so if mine is approved,
I'll send you a patch for choose.cc to resolve the differences from your
latest hierarchy patch.
Mac :})
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Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age.

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