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Re: regex man-page confusion

On 9/19/2018 3:12 AM, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Am 17.09.2018 um 14:49 schrieb cyg Simple:
>> On 9/16/2018 5:52 PM, Thomas Wolff wrote:
>>> Thanks; on the system with both packages not installed, man -w regcomp
>>> says nothing (rather than "No manual entry...");
>>> `manpath` reveals /usr/share/man:/cygdrive/c/Windows/SUA/usr/share/man
>>> and in fact, the man page displayed comes from my SUA installation. But
>>> $MANPATH is empty, so what makes cygwin `man` access the SUA man
>>> pages???
>> As per [1] you need to check your /etc/man_db.conf file.
> I hadn't mentioned that but I had checked it, grep -i sua only found
> "usually".
> Found the culprit meanwhile: /cygdrive/c/Windows/SUA/usr/lib was in my
> PATH. If I remove it, the SUA man page is not displayed anymore.
> So the more specific question: What makes cygwin 'man' check the PATH
> (not the LD_LIBRARY_PATH) to find which library and - still - why does
> that lead it to SUA man pages???

Maybe in the mandb?  Or maybe  a ~/.manpath file?  Or maybe an alias
with -M, --manpath specified?  Or a SYSTEM environment variable
specified? It's complex and something cached the discovered manuals on
PATH.  Maybe use of -W and -w can help you determine.

cyg Simple

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