[ITP] FUSE 2.8

Bill Zissimopoulos billziss@navimatics.com
Tue Sep 6 21:13:00 GMT 2016

On 9/5/16, 2:35 AM, Mark Geisert wrote:

>>While still on vacation I now have reliable access to the Internet and am
>> able to follow up on any issues. Please let me know what the issue you
>> seeing is and I will try to help.

Mark, I am now back from vacation and should be able to follow up more
reliably with this.

>Sorry for the delay.  I've 'git clone'd the cygfuse repository and have
>poking around, building and testing things.  'make cygfuse-test.exe' does
>a cygfuse-test.exe but running it yields a core dump.  Exit status is 134.

Cygfuse-test was really a throw-away test program that I used during my
development. It simply checks that the cygfuse.dll can be loaded and the
fuse_version symbol is available. Here it is in its entirety:

    #include <fuse.h>
    int main()
        return !(FUSE_VERSION == fuse_version());

The most likely reason for the access violation is that the WinFsp DLL was
not installed. I note that cygfuse calls abort() (in
cygfuse.c:cygfuse_init_fail) if it cannot find the WinFsp DLL. This can be
changed to provide a more informative message of course.

>I'm just running it without any args.  Is that abort a symptom of not
>having the 
>WinFSP driver loaded, or something else?  Cygfuse works for both 32- and
>Windows environments, right (assuming you're running the correct one)?

I have tested the WinFsp FSD/DLL in both 32- and 64-bit environments.
However cygfuse has only been tested in 64-bit environments so far.

>Separate from that, it's been a little work disentangling the meaning of
>names used for this project.  Here's what I think the names mean:
>FUSE - a protocol, which exists in different versions
>WinFSP - a Windows-native DLL mapping FUSE 2.8 ops to/from Windows file
>cygfuse - a Cygwin DLL allowing Cygwin SSHFS and FUSEPY to use WinFSP
>If that's correct, I'd like to regularize the names of things in the
>cygfuse package to accurately reflect their meaning.  E.g., change
>to cygfuse.cygport, etc.  The doc inside some files might need updating.

I agree with your naming changes. Recall that I basically ripped the
cygfuse package out of WinFsp so the names will have to be revisited.

>I wasn't sure from Corinna's comments a while back (re hosting this
>whether she thought cygfuse should be part of Cygwin, as in placed in the
>source tree, or just conveniently hosted on the Cygwin GitHub area.

Corinna, should answer that. My understanding was that she would like to
see this package hosted in Cygwin’s GitHub area.


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