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[HEADSUP] Dropping libopenssl098 from distro

Hi folks,

it's really *really* overdue to remove the OpenSSL 0.98 DLLs from
the 32 bit distro.  Fortunately they were never in the 64 bit distro.

The problem is that we still have packages requiring libopenssl098.
These need rebuilding or removing.

The following packages need simple rebuilding:

  ctorrent	Jari Aalto
  suck		Jari Aalto

  pure-ftpd	Kostya Altukhov

  suite3270	Peter A. Castro

The following packages are unused and should just go away:

  libcurl3	Yaakov Selkowitz

  libneon25	Dr. Volker Zell
  libneon26	Dr. Volker Zell

  libpq3	Marco Atzeri

The following packages have dependecies of their own, so they can't
go away until the dependent packages have been rebuilt:

  libarchive2	Yaakov Selkowitz

    required by:

	gvfs		Yaakov Selkowitz
	libgxps2	Yaakov Selkowitz

	gvfs and libgxps2 should be rebuilt to link against libarchive13.

  libpq		Marco Atzeri

    required by:

	clisp		Reini Urban
	libsasl2-sql	David Rothenberger
	xemacs		Dr. Volker Zell

	clisp and xemacs need rebuilding against libpq5.  libsasl2-sql
	is old and unused and can go away.

Given that Kostya Altukhov and Reini Urban seem to be AWOL, how shall we
manage their packages ideally?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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