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Re: perl-5.18.2-1

On 2014-05-04 02:29, Achim Gratz wrote:
Achim Gratz writes:
First off, there is a flurry of changes in the content of perl_vendor
that you didn't list in the announcement.  This is exactly my gripe with
opaque bundling: anyone who's been relying on perl_vendor to deliver a
certain set of Perl distributions will suddenly find that some have been
removed and others have been added and the only way to find that out is
to look into the source archive.

The residual changes would be a removal of Crypt-SSLeay and IPC-Cmd,
while IPC-Run, Test-NoWarnings and Test-Tester would still be supplied
by the build dependencies.  Unless someone has a strong opinion that
these two should be dropped, I'd continue to have them available.

I have a few packages in Ports that require Crypt::SSLeay.


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