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Re: Untidy situation regarding p11-kit packaging causing setup inconsistency


On 26/03/14 14:06, Shaddy Baddah wrote:

On 26/03/14 13:30, Shaddy Baddah wrote:
Regardless, the problem still exists. Because for whatever reason, I
cannot force-ably select 0.18.7-1 in the Install (from local) run of
setup.exe. I can only keep libp11-kit0 at 0.19.1-1 or uninstall. The
latter triggers the dependency check to prompt for it to be installed
anyway, as it is needed by p11-kit.

Well... I'll be darned... tipped off by the following line in

- Size mismatch: Ini-file: 41704 != On-disk: 0

(actually there were quite a few of these)

I removed the file and tried again. This time the Download -> Install
went through OK:

$ cygcheck -cd p11-kit libp11-kit0 p11-kit0-trust ca-certificates
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version
ca-certificates      1.96-3
libp11-kit0          0.18.7-1
p11-kit              0.18.7-1

At this point, I've investigated further and determined what the issue

Unfortunately, some packages have be ended up with non-permissive

$ ls -l x86/release/p11-kit/libp11-kit0/libp11-kit0-0.18.7-1.tar.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 sbaddah Domain Users 41704 Mar 26 13:34
-rwx------ 1 sbaddah Domain Users 54048 Dec 17 15:32

In my case this is significant, because I install under a different user
account to that that I Download from.

I don't understand how I ended up with these non-permissive permissions,
but removing and re-downloading obviously resolves that. In any case, I
will fix the permissions and update my entire install.

OK. I sort of understand now. Files that inherit permissions from the
"shoot" point of the folder path (
c:\Users\Public\Downloads\cygwin_setup_area) are not world readable.

setup.exe will break the inheritance when it downloads a new file, and
make the file world readable.

I've recently performed maintenance on the items in the folder (hand
merging downloads from a handful of sites into one site folder).
Oblivious to the potential problem, I must have recreated files (tar)
under the inherited permissions model.

I've corrected the top-level permissions now. Hopefully there'll be
no repeat.


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