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Re: [RFC] Packaging texlive

On 2/28/2012 12:36 AM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
On Mon, 2012-02-27 at 23:09 -0500, Ken Brown wrote:
I do have one question about the various texlive-collection-* packages.
   Do you have some automated way of getting the TeX Live package lists
that are in the .cygport files (TEXLIVE_TEXMF_PKGS, etc.)?  The lists
can be gotten from the texlive.tlpdb file, but it doesn't seem obvious
to me how to automate this.

Not exactly. I started with this, after having created all of the texlive-collection-* directories:

date=$(date +%Y%m%d)

for p in texlive-collection-*
   deps=$(curl -s "${trunk}/${p#texlive-}.tlpsrc?view=co" \
          | grep ^depend | cut -d' ' -f2 | grep -v collection- \
          | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s|\n| |g')
   echo -e TEXLIVE_TEXMF_PKGS=\"${deps}\"\\ninherit texlive>  $p/$p-$date-1.cygport

sed -i -e 's/TEXMF/DOC/' texlive-collection-documentation-*/*.cygport

Then I still had to do the following manually:

1) Scan the .tlpkg files in each collection (once downloaded and
prepped) for .ARCH depends, and move those from TEXMF_PKGS to ARCH_PKGS.

2) Primarily in collection-lang*, see which individual packages were
just placeholders for docs, moving them from TEXMF_PKGS to DOC_PKGS.

3) Drop any empty hyphenation packages from collection-lang*.

Now that that is all done though, from here on out I think your best bet
is to track TeX Live subversion:

svn co svn://

then in tlpsrc:

svn diff -r {20120202} | less

(where 20120202 is the date of the last packages) and just translate any
changes to collection-*.tlpsrc into the existing .cygport files.  Doing
that just now showed that nine collections already have minor changes.

Thanks, Yaakov.

And thanks once again for the work you did that will make it possible to get TeX Live into Cygwin.


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