[PATCH 1/2] Copy setup.exe to /bin/cygwin-setup.exe

Christopher Faylor cgf-use-the-mailinglist-please@cygwin.com
Thu Feb 3 19:53:00 GMT 2011

On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 11:24:58PM +0000, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>Make a copy of setup.exe as /bin/cygwin-setup.exe.
>This enables a few useful things:
>- Register that copy of setup.exe with Add/Remove programs
>- Add a start menu item pointing to that copy of setup.exe
>- Type 'cygwin-setup -q -P<package>' to install a package
>Would setup.exe be a better choice of name?

I'm a broken record on this subject: No, I don't want to change the name
of setup.exe.  If we did that then all sorts of existing documentation
(to say nothing of ten years of Cygwin convention) would have to change.

Sorry but I don't think this change is useful.  I'd really rather that
people always just click on the link at the cygwin web site rather than
keeping a copy around and assuming that they can just use it whenever
they feel like it.

I understand that a knowledgeable user (like me for instance) can get
by with keeping a copy on disk.  I don't want unknowledgeable users
to assume that's the right way to do things.


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