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[RFU 1.7] nasm-2.06-1

Upstream release.

Built for cygwin 1.7.

There are a couple of relevant packaging conventions that I've noticed
discussed on this list and in practice that contradict yet haven't had an official response (at
least I can't find it in the archives).

 - should setup.hint have requires: cygwin?  nasm's does.
 - should it be /usr/share/doc/nasm or /usr/share/doc/nasm-2.06? nasm's
   is the former

I forgot to announce the 2.05-1 package so I'll just announce this one
once it hits the mirrors, assuming above issues aren't a problem.

wget \
'' \
rm -f nasm-2.05-1-src.tar.bz2 nasm-2.05-1.tar.bz2


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