package lint suggestions

Christopher Faylor
Fri May 2 22:43:00 GMT 2008

On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 12:52:58PM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> I know that I'm missing some obvious stuff here.  What am I missing?
>- setup.hint sdesc that starts with the package name
>- setup.hint missing any of: sdesc, requires, category
>- sanity checking for setup.hint category - I don't want to say hardcode
>a list of allowed categories, but it would be nice to catch typos and
>prevent accidentally creating new categories.
>- contains postinstall/preremove script without requiring bash (this
>matters for the order in which scripts are run)
>- man pages not gzipped (this would certainly have to be a warning only
>as many packages don't do this)
>- installs conf file directly into /etc instead of putting it under
>/etc/defaults/ and installing it with a postinstall/preremove only if
>the user hasn't customized it
>- two packages owning the same file - this would require some kind of
>global state (e.g. a tied hash with a backing dbm file) in the lint
>script so it may be prohibitive, but it would be good to catch two
>packages that accidently overlap

Good stuff.  Thanks.

If I write a perl framework to handle things like this maybe we can
get some volunteers to augment this tool.


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