Setup patch: List command line options on stdout

Brian Dessent
Fri Nov 19 00:42:00 GMT 2004

Dave wrote:

> Leaving:
> * Print help to messagebox. Could also send it to stdout in case the user
> happens to be running from bash. [patches in this thread]
> * Make setup a console program which hides the console as soon as it determines
> it doesn't need it. Probably leading to Ye olde flashing console behaviour when
> started from the GUI. [Reini investigating]

Well, you could compile two separate .exe files, plus a third .exe stub
that contains the binary images of the two real .exes as resources, and
then extracts them to $TMP and runs whichever one it deems appropriate. 
But that's pretty ugly.

Honestly I don't see why we're bending over backwards to list the
command line options to a console.  99.999% of windows apps can not do
this and I don't see why it is so necessary.  Just have a pop-up window
list the command line args.  Someone said "wouldn't it be surprising if
you ran setup.exe from a bash prompt and got a popup?" to which I say,
No not at all.  Setup.exe is a regular windows application.  It would be
no more surprising than if you ran "notepad.exe -h" or whatever.  Let's
not spend tons of developer time trying to make console output when
there are real features that need fixing in setup.


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