[Review - Not yet] aterm-0.4.2-1 - vt102 terminal emulator, based on rxvt

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Fri Mar 5 02:06:00 GMT 2004

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> If aterm is based on rxvt, it probably runs /bin/sh rather than /bin/bash
> (which would explain the escape sequence problem above).  The solution for
> rxvt (which should also help here) is to run "rxvt -e bash".
> I agree that the other problems are pretty much showstoppers.  It would
> have helped if you mentioned at least the version of Windows that you
> tried it on, though (I assume you have the latest packages installed).

In the interest of not writing overly long emails (which I find people 
tend to ignore), I decided to not even mention that I tried other shells 
since describing the slight difference in behavior wouldn't really 
matter since it goes into an infinite loop.  "aterm -e /bin/bash" 
behaves only slightly differently.

The version of Windows I am running doesn't matter unless Jari can't 
reproduce the problem, in which case he can ask what version I have; 
until then it would just be noise.


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