Generic build script instructions

Bas van Gompel
Sun Jun 20 06:44:00 GMT 2004

Op Sun, 20 Jun 2004 08:00:03 +0200 (MET DST)
schreef ik in <n2m-g.cb3eqt.3vvfij7.1@buzzy-box.bavag>:
:  Not really. Just keep a copy of the unedited gbs in topdir until you
:  round off your changes and get ready to do a ``spkg''. At that time
:  store the diff (or gbs-orig) into C-P. (Just remember to recreate the
:  original gbs before later editing the modified one, if storing the
:  diff.)

s/spkg/mkpatch/ above. In fact anytime after ``prep'' will do.

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