Pending packages status (10 Mar 2003)

Volker Quetschke
Thu Mar 13 13:17:00 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1


I send the last mail before I read your mail Earnie.

|>>> 1. grace
|>>> ...
|>> Max did a review in:
|>> ~ <>
|>> and all proposed changes are applied to the packages at the url
|>> mentioned above.
|> OK, I've completed the review I began there. I have the following notes:
|> - The warning about gracerc and gracerc.user being overwritten on
|> reinstall
|> is in the README. I'm not sure very many people will read that. I suggest
|> putting it in the comments actually in the files themselves.
| IIRC, this is a major flaw.  Package configuration files are to not be
| overwritten upon reinstall.  You need to use postinstall scripts to
| install initial configuration files and not overwrite exsiting
| configuration files.
If you plan to change the default settings you should use user defined
settings, but yes I see the point.

|> - You could do change doc to /usr/grace/doc in the README file. This
|> would
|> make it more clear to grace newbies where to find the installed
|> documentation.
| Uhm, you mean /usr/doc/grace or do you mean /usr/doc/Cygwin/grace.README?
The original /usr/grace/README which gets copied to
/usr/doc/grace-5.1.12 only talks about the doc directory, grace.README
has the full information in it.

|> Neither of these are critical - the current packages could be released
|> as-is - but both of the above are minor improvements that should be
|> considered.
| Not following these conventions are critical IMNSHO.

Ok, if I find a few cycles I will implement the postinstall script.


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