Now that the new setup is here...

Christopher Faylor
Tue Apr 9 17:10:00 GMT 2002

On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 10:05:19AM +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
>> But those are social problems, not technical ones.
>And ones I have little sympathy for. Setup is a technical tool, not a
>social one. It's not aimed at being the best downloader, only the best
>installer. Mirroring that handles directory relocation is a sitecopy
>style task...

I'm not sure what reorg you were talking about but I've abandoned one
of my plans to move everything into directories named after category
names.  That seemed like a lot of work for nothing.

The only thing I can think of to do is to get rid of latest/contrib and
move to something else, like 'release', with all of the current
directories located underneath.

AFAIK, this won't cause any undue download activity will it?

Regardless, I'm with Robert.  setup was never designed to be a mirroring
tool or a site deployment tool.  If people are relying on a particular
directory arrangement then, er, tough...


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