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Re: Apache -5 install clobbers /etc/apache files

Gerrit P. Haase wrote:

All my files in /etc/apache (besides httpd.conf~) were clobbered
when installing 1.13.24-5 over 1.13.24-1.  How can this happen???

To be exact, the -1 version removed it during uninstall.
Well, shit happens....
No, this is a packaging *error*. Packages (like apache) should NOT install configuration files, for precisely this reason. They should install "default" files, and then cp them IFF the "real" file doesn't exist.


apache-VER-REL.tar.bz2 contains
if [ ! -f /etc/httpd.conf ] ; then
cp /etc/httpd.conf.default /etc/httpd.conf


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