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Re: new package offering: zsh

This sounds perfectly reasonable to me.


> I know of one issue concerning loading of functions.  Is there another
> you had in mind?  For the most part, zsh handles cr+lf as if it were lf
> implicitly.  For loading functions, the code assumes a binary mode, ie:
> the number of bytes reported by stat() of a file is the number of bytes
> reported back from read() after reading in the whole file.  On a
> filesystem mounted in textmode, this isn't always true and can cause the
> function to not load.  I really feel this is a filesystem attribute
> issue, but if it's annoying enough for people, I'll loosen the size
> matching restrictions.  A workaround for now is to strip your functions
> of all Carriage-Returns, thus only have linefeeds in the file. 

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