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Re: pager in default install

Lame followup to my own post:

I think we should have A 'more' package for this reason:

Q: "Where's more?"
A: In the 'more' package.

makes a lot more sense than

Q: "Where's more?"
A: Use less instead.  It's better.  BTW, you'll probably need to set 
PAGER=less.  Oh, and NCFTP_PAGER=less.

(Okay, that last one is an exagerration. Actually, the ncftp code has a 
special cygwin hack so that on cygwin, ncftp uses less by default. 
Other platforms use more by default.  But you get the idea.)


Charles Wilson wrote:

> In my previous post, I didn't mean to argue against 'more' as a package, 
> or against its inclusion in the 'base'.  I was merely pointing out the 
> fallacies in arguing that Debian(util-linux in 'Base') + 
> util-linux(contains more) ===> cygwin(more in 'Base').  It doesn't.
> In fact, I think it would be a good idea to have a 'more' package for 
> cygwin.  I'm not sure it should be included in 'base' -- perhaps 'Text' 
> or 'Utils' would be a better choice.  If you are willing to 
> port/package/provide/maintain 'more' then I think it should be added to 
> the distribution.

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