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Re: whats left before releasing setup?

Robert Collins wrote:
> No, I wrote that code 3 days ago. Until then it always reset the cache
> location to the current working directory.

Oops - thats why I remember it always defaulting - cause it was using the setup.exe 
working directory.

> > What we are saying is don't expect the user to start the install when no cygwin 
> > is installed by forcing the entry of the cygwin root so that you can store the 
> > last-cache file in the cygwin directory.  In the absence of an installed 
> Yes. Thats what I am saying I will accept a patch for.


> > version of cygwin then store the last cache wherever setup is located - just as 
> > setup has always done in the past with the setup.log and setup.log.full. 
> Thats an ok idea. However, you will also need to change the logic for

Well what does setup do now with setup.log and setup.log.full or have those been 

> > At the point of doing a Download only why am I even concerned with the mount 
> > points except to determine if cygwin is installed or not (which by the way is a 
> > good reason but should a download only even care) and then to base certain 
> > other functions on that result. 
> Because there are two basic download only scenarios.
> 1) Download to take to other machines via zip disk etc - this machine
> doesn't get involved in cygwin at all. 
> 2) Download for _this machine_ and for other via a networked cache dir.
> You may not want to install the packages you download immediately on
> this machine.

Actually both of these scenarios are exactly what I am talking about and in either 
case Cygwin might or might not be installed and I may or may not be ready to say 
where I want my cygwin root to be and I might want to back up my cache of setup and 
its downloaded packages and it sure would be nice if I only had one location to deal 

As I parting thought on this subject let me simply say Last-cache is a setup file 
not a cygwin file just as setup.log and setup.log.full are setup files and therefore 
belong with setup.  

I understand you have made your decision and obviously as maintainer that is your 
right and you will accept a patch so I will now bow out - others may carry on this 
discussion if they so choose.

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