Updated: gettext-0.15-1, gettext-devel-0.15-1, libgettextpo0-0.15-1; NEW: libintl8-0.15-1, libasprintf0-0.15-1

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Mon Oct 23 02:54:00 GMT 2006

gettext is the GNU package which provides 'national language support' 
for other programs. It includes a number of utility programs.

These should be upgraded together with the libiconv packages.


	libintl8-0.15-1 (*)
	libasprintf0-0.15-1 (**)

(*) new library package -- the DLL ver of libintl was bumped a few times 
by the upstream maintainers during 0.15 development .  You can (and 
should) have both libintl3-0.14.5-1 and libintl8-0.15-1 installed.

(**) New library. libasprintf0
This LGPL library makes the C formatted output routines (fprintf et al.) 
usable in C++ programs, for use with the <string> strings and the 
<iostream> streams. See /usr/share/doc/libasprintf/autosprintf.html.


* Routine update to 0.15 upstream release
* library package now "libintl8" and contains "/usr/bin/cygintl-8.dll"
* cygwin (and other WOE32) shared library support now provided via
   a new mechanism, detailed at this thread [1] and this website [2].
   Note that this is (or should be) completely transparent to end users
   and to developers/maintainers of projects which use libiconv.
* Switch to cygport build framework. Requires patched cygport
* Detailed changes listed below.

[1] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libtool/2006-09/msg00000.html
[2] http://www.haible.de/bruno/woe32dll.html



To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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Version 0.15 - July 2006

* GUI program support:
   - PO files can now contain messages constrained to a certain context.
     Most often such a context is a menu, dialog or panel identification.
     The syntax in the PO file is
       msgctxt "context"
       msgid "original"
       msgstr "translation"
   - The xgettext program can be told through the --keyword flag which
     function/macro argument has the role of a context.  It also supports
     the GNOME glib convention to specify the context and original string
     in the same string literal: "context|original".
   - The (non-public) include file gettext.h defines macros pgettext,
     dpgettext etc. that take a context argument.
   For more information, see the node "Contexts" in the manual.

* msgfmt's format string checking is now stricter in the presence of
   plural forms.  For example, in German, with  nplurals=2  and
   plural=(n != 1), the translation

      #, c-format
      msgid "%d fatal error"
      msgid_plural "%d fatal errors"
      msgstr[0] "ein fataler Fehler"
      msgstr[1] "fatale Fehler"

   was earlier considered valid and now gives an error when "msgfmt
   --check" is used:
     "number of format specifications in 'msgid' and 'msgstr[1]' does not

* msggrep has a new option -v/--invert-match that acts like grep's -v

* msggrep has a new option -X/--extracted-comment that allows to search
   for a pattern in the extracted comments.

* xgettext's --keyword option now allows to specify an extracted comment
   on the command line, rather than in program's source code.

* msgmerge is much faster now, when using a large compendium.

* A new program recode-sr-latin is provided, that converts Serbian text
   from the Cyrillic script to the Latin script.
   The command "msgfilter recode-sr-latin" can be used to convert a
   Serbian Cyrillic PO file (sr.po) to a Serbian Latin PO file

* Programming languages support:

   - C++ with Boost:
     xgettext has a new option --boost that triggers the recognition and
     marking of boost::format strings.

   - Python:
     xgettext now recognizes the source encoding from a "coding:" comment
     among the first two lines.  The default encoding is now ASCII, no
     longer ISO-8859-1.

* libgettextpo library:
   - The error handler type passed to po_file_read(), po_file_write(),
     po_message_check_format() has changed.
     This is an incompatible change: Programs using the library *must*
     update their code.
     Binary compatibility is guaranteed, however.

* The 'mkinstalldirs' shell script is no longer needed and no longer
   installed by gettextize.

* Portability:
   - Building on mingw is now supported.
   - Building shared libraries (--enable-shared) on Cygwin and mingw is
     now supported.

* Interoperability with expat version 2.0.0.

* Documentation:
   A complete example showing the use of GNU gettext with the wxWidgets
   GUI toolkit has been added.

Version 0.14.6 - June 2006

* Updated the meaning of 'gcc-internal-format' to match GCC 4.1.

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