zlib, libpng added to 'latest'

Charles S. Wilson cwilson@ece.gatech.edu
Sat May 13 09:08:00 GMT 2000

zlib-1.1.3-1 and libpng-1.0.6-1 have been added to the 'latest'
directory. In both cases, the libraries have been built as static
libraries and as dll's (with import libs). As installed, the
dll+importlib version will be linked when building packages that depend
on these libraries; to change this behavior, modify the symlink in
/usr/lib and use CFLAGS=/usr/include/static when compiling dependent
packages. Actually, for these two packages, the headers
in/usr/include/static and in /usr/include are identical, so the CFLAGS=
step is not strictly necessary. However, that may not be true for future
libraries, so it's best to get into the habit now.

zlib is based on the stock source code; the only patches applied were
makefile-specific. libpng is also based on the stock source code -- for
version 1.0.6 with official patchlevel 'c'. The only *cygwin-specific*
patches were makefile-specific.

sourcecode, patches, and binary tarballs are all available at the cygwin
download site or its mirrors.

libz-1.1.3-1.tar.gz contains:

/usr/lib/libz.a -> libz.a-dll

libpng-1.0.6-1.tar.gz contains:

/usr/lib/libpng.a -> libpng.a-dll

--Chuck Wilson
Trying to make CygUtils obsolete...

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